Crystal River Court residents: We deserve better internet!

In todays modern age, we need low latency reliable internet. In the park currently we have 2 last mile (physical infrastructure hung on the poles) providers* on paper, but in reality only one for internet: Shaw and Telus(only existing clients, no upgrades or moves)

Telus OPTIK (DSL)Telus PureFibreShaw Cable
Availabilityexisting customers onlyAvailable once Jack allows it to be on polesanyone
speedup to 25MBps down/10MBps upUp to 5000MBps down/5000MBps up   up to 2000MBps down/200MBps up
pricenot available anymore$160/month$145/month
availablilityThis product is on copper, no longer available for new or existing customers, as fibre is available in townTelus and some independent ISPsShaw and most independent ISPs
connection type    unshared Copper pair to end userUnshared Fibre wavelength to each unitCopper shared with all neighbours
Ping times15-30ms1-5ms15-25ms with spikes to 100ms+ when Hope residents are using the internet
Most popular tier and costnot availablePurfibre 250MBps up and down $80/monthCable 250MBps down 25MBps up also $80 a month

Residents, with Telus not allowing any copper services on their network in Hope anymore, we need Fibre access. We already have both Telus Copper and Shaw Copper strung on the poles throughout the park. Jack has requested Telus spend extra money to have Telus put all of its new Fibre infrastructure underground, while allowing Shaw to continue using their cheaper above ground infrastructure.

  • older technology
  • subject to a rise in copper thefts
  • shared bandwidth in the single line
  • more expensive to repair\replace
  • needs more expensive gear on the cable plant with latest DOCSIS
  • Dedicated link to your property
  • multiple cores per cable
  • cheaper to install and maintain
  • has the fastest internet available on it
  • much more resilient than copper

We can't afford for Jack to continue this absurd request, which favours one competitor over another. Jack must allow Telus to build out the same way they did in the rest of Hope, competing manufactured home parks, existing permanent home communities, and the same as all existing communities that have aboveground infrastructure along existing infrastructure, strung from pole to pole. Fibre will not negatively affect the view of the park, as it likely will not increase the size by much from the existing copper lines already on the poles.

Every evening (between 6PM-10PM) like clockwork as more residents of Hope are using their Shaw based internet connections, the latency spikes, causing applications such as gaming, voice and video conferencing, and even banking apps to not work as intended. This might last only 20-30 minutes, or hours depending on the day, and what new netflix show came out, or what popular video games were just released. This could still happen on Fibre, but would be much less pronounced, causing much less latency issues, and would give an overall better experience.

If you are currently on Telus DSL internet, you can continue to use it while this Fibre is being installed, and will get upgraded once the build out is complete. New activations cannot be performed on Telus copper, as Hope has been removed from the Copper availability list on Telus' website and billing systems.

Please fill in the contact form below to register your desire to get fibre available in the community. Names and lots will be packaged up, and provided to Dave and Doris, who can then pass the interest off to Jack.

Jack doesn't have to listen to us, however if enough of us voice our concerns, he should take it under advisement that we would like it. If he still wants the Fibre in conduits, maybe the park should install these for both Telus and Shaw at the parks expense, then provide both Telus and Shaw use of these conduits. This would get all exisitng copper off the poles too.